Obayashi next-generation training facility which aims to realize carbon neutrality and well-being

Toshimi Sato, Senior Managing Executive Officer, fields questions in the large training room located on the 9th floor of the “Port Plus” building

Obayashi Corporation holds financial results briefings and individual meetings, as well as twice-yearly business briefings and construction site tours, in order to provide institutional investors and securities analysts with a better understanding of its business performance and operations.


On May 27, Obayashi held a tour of Port Plus, its next-generation training facility in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, which was completed in March 2022. This event, which was the first in-person tour conducted in two years and seven months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was well attended by 23 institutional investors and analysts.

The Obayashi Group has established Obayashi Sustainability Vision 2050, a long-term vision that aims to pursue sustainability of “the Planet, Society, and People,” and of the Obayashi Group. Obayashi is currently working toward the key objectives of “decarbonization,” “providing valuable spaces and services,” and “co-creation of a sustainable supply chain” outlined in the vision.


As part of these initiatives, Obayashi has been working to promote the introduction of wooden structures and wooden interiors in buildings. Based on the belief that pure wood construction, in which all structural components are made of wood, will promote further utilization of wood resources, Obayashi constructed Port Plus, Japan's first fully-wooden and fire-resistant high-rise structure, as its new in-house training facility.


Participants at the event were able to see Obayashi's technology in action and appreciate firsthand the benefits of wooden construction. The event also highlighted Obayashi's carbon neutrality and well-being initiatives, as well as the Obayashi WOOD VISION, the Obayashi Group's supply chain-wide initiative aimed at realizing a vision of “With trees, to the future.”


The participants actively engaged in dialogue, asking questions about the potential for widespread use of wooden buildings, as well as the associated challenges.

Explaining Obayashi's newly-developed purely wooden joints that connect wooden columns with wooden beams
Explaining Obayashi's newly-developed purely wooden joints that connect wooden columns with wooden beams
Event participants experiencing a room with ambient forest sound and scented air-conditioning
Event participants experiencing a room with ambient forest sound and scented air-conditioning

Obayashi will continue striving to foster constructive engagement with our shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders as well as to enhance information disclosure.