Showing state-of-the art research development at the “MAKE BEYOND” research institute

An Obayashi researcher explains the impact on buildings of the company's world-first device that combines a multi-fan wind tunnel system that creates a variety of air currents with a device that generates tornadoes and downbursts

Obayashi Corporation holds regular financial results briefings and individual meetings, as well as business briefings and site tours, in order to provide institutional investors and securities analysts with a better understanding of its business performance and operations. On September 5, Obayashi hosted a tour for eight institutional investors and analysts at Obayashi Technology Research Institute at Kiyose City, Tokyo.


Since its opening in 1965, the Obayashi Technology Research Institute has served as the core organization for Obayashi's technological development, creating and testing the technologies required in each era and deploying them to society as reliable products and services. The Institute's main building, Techno-station, is not only environmentally-friendly, attaining ZEB certification for eight consecutive years from fiscal year 2014, but has also been commended as a leading facility from a wellness perspective, becoming the first building in Japan to be certified at the Gold level of the WELL Building Standard.

The event included a tour of labs at the Institute and an introduction to “Laputa 2D,” a super-active vibration control technology that can buffer seismic forces, located on the basement floor of the facility.


The tour also introduced the Multi Mist which automatically sanitizes indoor surfaces at the Keyaki Terrace, a technology showroom completed in October 2021 whose architecture features a wooden roof and low-carbon concrete. During the tour of the Environmental Engineering Laboratory, researchers demonstrated tornado forecasting simulation using a tornado generator, a device which is rare in Japan, as well as data analysis and simulation methods, and urban planning approaches that take into account climate change. Participants also had the opportunity to observe other parts of the facility, including a 3D printer testing site, remote control of heavy machinery, and a vibration simulation machine.


The tour participants had many questions for the researchers at each facility, and were highly interested in Obayashi's initiatives to develop technologies that will capture opportunities generated by societal demand for carbon neutrality and well-being, as outlined in the Medium-Term Business Plan 2022, asking the head of the Institute which areas Obayashi should focus its efforts going forward.


Obayashi will continue striving to foster constructive engagement with our shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders as well as to enhance information disclosure.

Participants experience the Multi Mist sprayer, which has been deployed to medical and research facilities
Participants experience the Multi Mist sprayer, which has been deployed to medical and research facilities
Observing the “Laputa 2D” super active vibration control system
Observing the “Laputa 2D” super active vibration control system