Obayashi Corporation has updated "Investor Relations" section of its website.  By redesigning the page structures, we improved accessibility and convenience of information, and enhanced information disclosure by adding new contents.


Investor Relations URL:https://ir.obayashi.co.jp/en/ir.html


Highlights of the updates are as follows.

1 Page structure and design
Revised from the perspective of shareholders and investors to create an "easy to find" and "easy to use" website.


2 New contents related to management policy
Added top management's message to shareholders and investors, capital policy, graphical presentation of investment plans and results, links to market statistical data and others.


3 Performance and financial information
Key financial indicators and segment performance for the past 11 years are available in summary format as well as in chart generator (graph) format.


4 Stock-related information
Added various stock-related information, including stock price information (real-time stock price, stock price charts), major shareholders, percentages of share’s ownership, and graphs of dividend trends.


5 Others
Added past IR events report, such as site tours and topic briefings, list of analysts assigned to the Company.


As one of our important communication tools with shareholders and investors, we will continue to enhance the contents and functions of our IR information website and strive to improve information disclosure through various IR and SR activities.



The URLs of some pages have been changed due to the renewal of the IR information website. If you have registered the page in your "Favorites" of your browser, please change the URL to the new site.