Toshimi Sato, Managing Executive Officer, outlines Obayashi's company-wide efforts for digital transformation
Toshimi Sato, Managing Executive Officer, outlines Obayashi's company-wide efforts for digital transformation

Obayashi Corporation holds financial results briefings and individual meetings, as well as twice-yearly construction site tours and business briefings, in order to provide institutional investors, including shareholders, and securities analysts with a better understanding of its business performance and operations.


On September 30, Obayashi held an online business briefing for 48 institutional investors and securities analysts. This was the second such event held this year following on from the business briefing held previously in March 2021, due to difficulty holding in-person events due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

To conclude its Medium-Term Business Plan 2017, Obayashi established the Corporate Transformation Program, which serves a guideline for addressing priority and organization-wide management tasks. As part of productivity improvement measures, Obayashi is focusing on realizing new business processes through digitization, innovating its business models through digital transformation (DX), and transforming the digital infrastructure that supports these initiatives.


During the briefing, Obayashi's head office and the participants, which included investors and analysts, were connected online. The briefing explained Obayashi's efforts to address changes in the business environment and establish a competitive advantage by transforming its business model through digital technology using video.


Participants showed a keen interest in the Obayashi Group's efforts to innovate its operations and promote digital transformation from a long-term perspective. The Q&A session drew many questions, including “How will digital transformation generate future revenue?” and “What, specifically, differentiates Obayashi from competitors and what are its competitive strengths?”


Obayashi will continue striving to foster constructive engagement with our shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders as well as to enhance information disclosure.

Eiichiro Okano, Executive Officer, outlines Obayashi's framework and policies for promoting digital transformation
Eiichiro Okano, Executive Officer, outlines Obayashi's framework and policies for promoting digital transformation

A video showing an autonomous operating system for tower cranes at the Kawakami Dam construction site office, illustrating Obayashi's efforts to utilize digital technology at construction sites